
Information, whether fact, opinion, manipulated, censored – all play a part in how we perceive data. Controlling the flow of data is part of how the fourth industrial revolution can continue to achieve the dominance and goals that are set by control points and are now backed by “fact checkers” to change an individual stance or opinion on a subject matter. Before, Television and radio played a massive part in advertisement that help public opinion and even encourage subliminally, impulse buying. This old technique has evolved in the last 20 years but most importantly with the next stage of psychological revolution. The Covid-19 pandemic paved the way for these new techniques, including tools and surveillance, and also brought in more job to fill the gap of “influencers”.

This page will be exclusive to resource articles on everything pertaining to the fourth industrial revolution. Before beginning, it is best to dive in on what is the Fourth Industrial Revolution –

Do not be dismayed on the upcoming change. Most of the changes will be beneficial and at the same time adjustments to our social and work networks will be a welcome surprise – but some changes can leave us with lack of knowledge, education, training and of course resources. Knowing what is to be expected and at least have an estimated timeline can help us build toward the changes.